Major causes of low sperm count – In this Section we will walk you through the Five common Causes of Low Sperm Count. When a couple is experiencing infertility, a semen analysis is often done to determine a man’s sperm count, as well as how healthy his sperm are.
‎When a couple finds out that their infertility may be related to a low sperm count, it can be very difficult to cope with, especially when there are so many different things that could be causing a low sperm count, so After Days of Research on the internet I tried to find out the major common habits that can lead to low sperm count instead. beacuse they are many other possible causes of low sperm count but in this Article I will walk you through the Five Common Causes of Low Sperm Count… 

Varicoceles- A varicocele is a swollen, varicose vein located in the scrotum. It is not uncommon for men to have a varicocele and roughly 15% of men have one. These swollen veins can affect how the sperm are able to be released from the testicles. If a varicocele is affecting fertility, it may be corrected surgically or the couple may opt for intrauterine insemination to get pregnant, which injects the sperm directly into the uterus, bypassing the vaginal canal.

Heat exposure- The testicles are outside of the body in order to keep the testicles cool to protect sperm from dying from the heat. Men who expose their scrotum to heat may have a lower sperm count than men that don’t. Taking hot baths, using a hot tub, placing laptop computers on the lap or keeping the groin too warm just from clothing can negatively impact sperm count. So just keep your laptop on the desk or on any other hard surface ,but not on your lap. Dont use hot tubs when is not Cold outside.  

Retrograde ejaculation– In some cases, a man with a low sperm count may suffer from something known asretrograde ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen doesn’t follow the usual course and eject out of the urethra, “Imagine when water in a tap cant flow in the direction of the pipe carry the water” but instead, enters the bladder during orgasm. Retrograde ejaculation may be a symptom of a much more serious problem, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or may be the result of a spinal injury or surgery on the bladder, prostrate or urethra. In some cases, retrograde ejaculation may even be a side effect of certain medications. So visit your Doctor to be very sure of the exact disease causing retrograde ejaculation.

Illness and infection- In women, suffering from an illness or infection can delay or prevent ovulation. Men’s bodies work similarly. If a man is suffering from an illness or infection, it could potentially lower his sperm count until he regains his health. 
Note: this is not so common in people between the age of 15-45 so visit a doctor to be sure.

Use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco- The use of illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco products may decrease a man’s sperm count. The use of tobacco is especially concerning and could dramatically decrease the number of healthy sperm in a man’s ejaculate.
‎For couples who are trying to conceive, it is best to give up smoking as well as alcohol and drug consumption while trying to conceive. 

Source: theinfong
