Senate Rejects 82 Year Old Ambassadorial Nominee From Imo State

The Nigeria Senate has rejected the nomination of Rtd. Justice Sylvanus Adiewere Nsofor as an Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by President Muhammadu Buhari.

The 82 year old who is a retired Justice of the Court of Appeal was rejected by the Senate on account of old age.

During his screening by the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Justice Nsofor refused to recite the National Anthem when the Senators asked him to do so. When he was asked if his age will not affect his performance, he retorted, asking the Senators if age has stopped Mugabe from functioning as President of Zimbabwe.

The Senate has asked President Buhari to send another nominee from Imo State to replace the retired Jurist.

Meanwhile, Another ambassadorial nominee from Ondo State Chief Banjo was also rejected.

See full list below:
