Biden plans executive actions that would undo Trump's policies


President-elect Joe Biden has pledged to reassert the United States' leadership role on the global stage through a series of day-one executive actions that would mark a drastic turn from outgoing President Donald Trump's policies.

After defeating President Trump, his transition team is beginning to turn his campaign-trail promises into plans he can implement early in his presidency.

Biden's first focus is likely to be the worsening coronavirus pandemic. He is set to name a 12-person coronavirus task force on Monday, two sources with knowledge of his plans said. Biden also said during the campaign that he will speak with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious diseases expert, before taking office.

He is also poised to enact a series of executive actions that would undo many of Trump's foreign policy actions and seek to rapidly return the United States to its status at the end of former President Barack Obama's administration four years earlier.

Biden repeatedly promised on his first day in office to rejoin the Paris climate accord, a landmark international deal to combat climate change that Trump exited in 2017. He has also said he would rejoin the World Health Organization, which Trump moved to withdraw from this year.

Biden has also said he will repeal Trump's ban on travel from some Muslim-majority countries and reinstate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which allows "dreamers" -- undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children -- to remain in the country.
